It was morning of our last day in Montreal.
I was working on the computer while she was in the shower getting ready. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was on the television, muted. The last time I looked up at it they were all having dinner, eating chilled monkey brains.
At one point I look away from my monitor and see an enormous black carpenter ant running across the white sheet of bed.
The thing was too big to be ignored, so I took a cup and trapped it in there using the room service tip envelope. Furious, it ran around the glass, like a motorcycle in a cage at Circus Circus. Eventually it stopped, it’s options exhausted.
Not sure what to do with this thing, I walked the cup and the envelope through the lobby and outside, to let it go in the bushes. It took a couple shakes, but eventually it released from the glass and disappeared somewhere in the purple flowers around the patio.
I came come back inside, and Temple of Doom had made it to the secret passage scene, where our heroes found themselves antagonized by a mass of terrifying looking, mostly harmless bugs.