Dream (7/4): Target: Ultra

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In this dream, I am carrying two metal suitcases to a Target: Ultra store.

(source: Mike Mozart | CC)

One contains the payload, the other, the security key. The electronic key has a transmitter which works by proximity, giving me the ability to enter sensitive areas not accessible to the public.

metal suitcase with electronics(source: QuakeCon | CC)

The entrance to the fortress-like superstore is gated. A series of escalators and airport-style moving sidewalks lead to the TSA style entrance.

security(source: Bradley Gordon | CC)

I dart away from the crowds and go underground. A moving sidewalk descends, acting as an escalator with no steps. I have to run down it to keep from falling.

There are no people in the downstairs area. Just construction.

I find a secret target bowling alley, though the lanes appear dysfunctional, and covered in loose building debris.

bowling_alley(source: Irina Souiki | CC)

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